Durante estas ultimas semanas esta empresa alemana se ha hecho famosa en el mundillo de los pins por regalar un buen montón de pins de lso juegos paralimpicos de Sotchi2014. Ahora da la campanada de nuevo presentando un concurso fotográfico, y de premio aparte de una linda camara digital, una colección de pins...unos nos suenan, pero los otros...nos encantan.
La información que me han facilitado:
At the moment Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH is running a Photo Contest in the context of the Sochi Paralympic Games which are starting tomorrow. The person with the highest number of likes can win a Samsung camera, the second and third price will be a collection of pins of recent Paralympic Games and the current Games in Sochi. That is why we thought about you and your blog.
If you like, you could post about our contest on your blog and social networks. It would be great if as many people as possible take part.
Read more and take part at http://goo.gl/M3y1QX (available from all devices). Or click our Photo Contest App athttps://www.facebook.com/OttobockPassionforParalympics